Robo commands

This topic was updated due to the 2.2.0 MFTF release.

Robo is a task runner for PHP that allows you to alias long, complex command line interface (CLI) commands to simple commands.



Assuming that you’re working in the magento2/dev/tests/acceptance directory in your terminal, run Robo commands using the following format:

vendor/bin/robo command [options] [arguments]

Or, if you added the path of the Robo executable file to the system PATH, then run Robo commands using the following format:

robo command [options] [arguments]


  • Original:
    allure generate tests/_output/allure-results/ -o tests/_output/allure-report/
  • Robo:
    vendor/bin/robo allure1:generate

Useful commands

The following are the most popular commands used to interact with the MFTF. For more commands, see Reference or run in your terminal:


Codeception Robo Commands

List all available Robo commands


Duplicate the example configuration files used to customize the project

vendor/bin/robo clone:files

Build the Codeception project

vendor/bin/robo build:project

Generate all tests in PHP

vendor/bin/robo generate:tests

Generate the specified tests in PHP

vendor/bin/robo generate:tests testName01 testName02 testName03

Run all tests marked with the @group tag example, using the Chrome environment

vendor/bin/robo example

Run all functional tests located under the directory path provided

vendor/bin/robo folder <path/to/folder/with/tests>

Run all generated tests

The command runs all the generated tests. The generated test are stored in the acceptance/tests/functional/Magento/FunctionalTest/_generated directory.

vendor/bin/robo functional

Run tests with the specified group annotation

vendor/bin/robo group <group-value>

Run skipped tests

Typically, each test tagged by the <group value="skip"> annotation is ignored during test run. But in case you still need to run the skipped tests, run:

vendor/bin/robo group skip

Allure Robo commands

To determine which version of the Allure command you need to use run allure --version.

Generate the HTML for the Allure report based on the test XML output

Allure v1.x.x:

vendor/bin/robo allure1:generate

Allure v2.x.x:

vendor/bin/robo allure2:generate

Open the HTML Allure report

Allure v1.x.x:

vendor/bin/robo allure1:open

Allure v2.x.x:

vendor/bin/robo allure2:open

Generate and open the HTML Allure report

Allure v1.x.x:

vendor/bin/robo allure1:report

Allure v2.x.x:

vendor/bin/robo allure2:report



functional Run all generated tests.
example Run all Tests marked with the <group value="example"/> annotation.
folder Run all acceptance tests located under the directory path provided.
group Run tests annotated by the <group/> tag.
help Displays help for a command.
list Lists available commands.


allure1:generate Generate the HTML for the Allure report based on the test XML output - Allure v1.4.X.
allure1:open Open the HTML Allure report - Allure v1.4.xX.
allure1:report Generate and open the HTML Allure report - Allure v1.4.X.


allure2:generate Generate the HTML for the Allure report based on the test XML output - Allure .v2.3.X
allure2:open Open the HTML Allure report - Allure v2.3.X.
allure2:report Generate and open the HTML Allure report - Allure v2.3.X.


build:project Clone the example configuration files and build the Codeception project.


clone:files Duplicate the example configuration files used to customize the project.


Generate PHP code from the tests defined in XML files.

Path to a directory with generated tests: tests/functional/Magento/FunctionalTest/_generated/.

generate:tests Generate all tests and suites based on specific module load order of the Magento instance
generate:tests <testName01> <testName02> Generates only the specified tests. It does not work for tests that are part of suites.
generate:tests --force Generate all tests regardless of whether a Magento instance is available
generate:tests --config singleRun Generate all tests and a manifest file _generated/testManifest.txt. The file contains only a path to the directory with generated tests.
generate:tests --config parallel --lines <number of lines> Generate all tests and a directory with manifest files under _generated/groups/. The number of manifests corresponds to the number of nodes required. Each manifest file contains a proportional list of tests sorted and grouped depending on the specified line limit <number of lines>.
generate:tests --tests "<json configuration>" Generates only the tests and suites in the specified JSON configuration. See examples of the JSON configurations and the entire command below.
generate:suite <suiteName> Generates tests for the specified suite only.
Examples of the JSON configuration

The configuration to generate a single test with no suites:

      "general_test1"     //Generate the "general_test1" test.
   "suites": null

The configuration to generate a single test contained in the suite:

   "tests": null,         // No tests outside the suite configuration will be generated.
      "sample":[          // The suite that contains the test.
         "suite_test1"    // The test to be generated.

Complex configuration to generate few non-suite tests, a single test in a suite, and an entire suite:

   "suites":{             //Go to suites.
      "sample":[          //Go to the "sample" suite.
         "suite_test1"    //Generate the "suite_test1" test.
      "sample2":[]        //Generate all tests in the "sample2" suite.

The command that encodes the above configuration:

vendor/bin/robo generate:tests --tests "{\r\n\"tests\":[\r\n\"general_test1\",\r\n\"general_test2\",\r\n\"general_test3\"\r\n],\r\n\"suites\":{\r\n\"sample\":[\r\n\"suite_test1\"\r\n],\r\n\"sample2\":null\r\n}\r\n}"

The strings must be escaped and surrounded in quotes.


self:update or update Updates the robo.phar to the latest version, which only works when running the phar version of Robo.