Codeception commands
This topic was updated due to the 2.0.2 MFTF release.
We do not recommend using Codeception commands directly as they can break the MFTF basic workflow. All the Codeception commands you need are wrapped using Robo.
See the list of Robo commands. If you’d like to run the Codeception tests directly without using Robo, run:
vendor/bin/codecept run functional
Run all tests in dev/tests/acceptance/tests/functional/Magento/FunctionalTest
vendor/bin/codecept run functional
Run all tests without the <group value="skpip"/>
vendor/bin/codecept run functional --skip-group skip
Run all tests with the <group value="example"/>
annotation but with no <group value="skpip"/>
vendor/bin/codecept run functional --group example --skip-group skip
codecept run
codecept run
runs the test suites:
vendor/bin/codecept run
The following documentation corresponds to Codeception 2.3.8.
Full reference:
suite suite to be tested
test test to be run
-o, --override=OVERRIDE Override config values (multiple values allowed)
--config (-c) Use custom path for config
--report Show output in compact style
--html Generate html with results (default: "report.html")
--xml Generate JUnit XML Log (default: "report.xml")
--tap Generate Tap Log (default: "report.tap.log")
--json Generate Json Log (default: "report.json")
--colors Use colors in output
--no-colors Force no colors in output (useful to override config file)
--silent Only outputs suite names and final results
--steps Show steps in output
--debug (-d) Show debug and scenario output
--coverage Run with code coverage (default: "coverage.serialized")
--coverage-html Generate CodeCoverage HTML report in path (default: "coverage")
--coverage-xml Generate CodeCoverage XML report in file (default: "coverage.xml")
--coverage-text Generate CodeCoverage text report in file (default: "coverage.txt")
--coverage-phpunit Generate CodeCoverage PHPUnit report in file (default: "coverage-phpunit")
--no-exit Don't finish with exit code
--group (-g) Groups of tests to be executed (multiple values allowed)
--skip (-s) Skip selected suites (multiple values allowed)
--skip-group (-x) Skip selected groups (multiple values allowed)
--env Run tests in selected environments. (multiple values allowed, environments can be merged with ',')
--fail-fast (-f) Stop after first failure
--help (-h) Display this help message.
--quiet (-q) Do not output any message.
--verbose (-v|vv|vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug
--version (-V) Display this application version.
--ansi Force ANSI output.
--no-ansi Disable ANSI output.
--no-interaction (-n) Do not ask any interactive question.