
The file controls the way your application builds and deploys. Although Magento Commerce (Cloud) supports multiple applications per project, typically, a project has a single application with the file at the root of the repository.

The has many default values, see a sample file. Make sure to review the for your installed version. This file can differ across Magento Commerce (Cloud) versions.

For Pro projects **created before October 23, 2017**, the changes you make using this YAML file affects your Integration environment only. To make these changes in a Staging or Production environment, you must Add Staging and Production to Pro projects UI.


Use the following properties to build your application configuration file. The name, type, disk, and one web or worker block is required.


Magento Commerce supports multiple applications in a project, so you need a unique name that identifies the application in the project.

The name property can consist only of lower case alphanumeric characters, such as a to z and 0 to 9. The name is used in the routes.yaml file to define the HTTP upstream (by default, php:http). For example, if the value of name is app, you must use app:http in the upstream field. You can also use this name in multi-application relationships.

Do not change the name of an application after it has been deployed.

type and build

The type and build properties are used to build and run the project. The only supported type currently is PHP. Supported versions:

type: php:7.0

The build property determines what happens by default when building the project. The only value currently supported is composer.

type: php:7.0
    flavor: composer


Defines the user roles that can log in to the environments.

Possible values are:

ssh: admin
ssh: contributor
ssh: viewer


Defines the service mapping in your application.

The left-hand side is the name of the relationship as it will be exposed to the application in the MAGENTO_CLOUD_RELATIONSHIPS environment variable. The right-hand side is in the form <service name>:<endpoint name>, where <service name> comes from .magento/services.yaml and <endpoint name> should be the same as the value of type declared in that same file.

Example of valid options are:

database: "mysql:mysql"
database2: "mysql2:mysql"
cache: "arediscache:redis"
search: "searchengine:solr"

See Services for a full list of currently supported service types and endpoints.


web defines how your application is exposed to the web (in HTTP). Here we tell the web application how to serve content, from the front-controller script to a non-static request to an index.php file on the root. We support any directory structure so the static file can be in a sub directory, and the index.php file can be further down.

web supports the following:

  • document_root: The path relative to the root of the application that is exposed on the web. Typical values include /public and /web.
  • passthru: The URL used in the event a static file or PHP file could not be found. This would typically be your applications front controller, often /index.php or /app.php.
  • index_files: To use a static file (for example, index.html) to serve your application. This key expects a collection. For this to work, the static file(s) should be included in your whitelist. For example, to use a file named index.html as an index file, your whitelist should include an element that matches the filename, like - \.html$.
  • blacklist: A list of files that should never be executed. Has no effect on static files.
  • whitelist: A list of static files (as regular expressions) that can be served. Dynamic files (for example, PHP files) are treated as static files and have their source code served, but they are not executed.
  • expires: The number of seconds whitelisted (that is, static) content should be cached by the browser. This enables the cache-control and expires headers for static content. The expires directive and resulting headers are left out entirely if this is not set.

Contrary to standard .htaccess approaches, which accept a blacklist and allow everything to be accessed except a specific list, we accept a whitelist, which means that anything not matched will trigger a 404 error and will be passed through to your passthru URL.

Our default configuration allows the following:

  • From the root (/) path, only web, media, and robots.txt files can be accessed
  • From the /pub/static and /pub/media paths, any file can be accessed

The following displays the default set of web accessible locations associated with an entry in mounts:

# The configuration of app when it is exposed to the web.
    # The public directory of the app, relative to its root.
    root: "pub"
    # The front-controller script to send non-static requests to.
    passthru: "/index.php"
        - index.php
    expires: -1
    scripts: true
    allow: false
            allow: true
            allow: true
    root: "pub/media"
    allow: true
    scripts: false
    passthru: "/index.php"
    root: "pub/static"
    allow: true
    scripts: false
    passthru: "/front-static.php"
              passthru: "/static/$resource"


disk defines the size of the persistent disk size of the application in MB.

The minimal recommended disk size is 256MB. If you see the error UserError: Error building the project: Disk size may not be smaller than 128MB, increase the size to 256MB.


mounts is an object whose keys are paths relative to the root of the application. The mount is a writable area on the disk for files. It’s in the form volume_id[/subpath].

The following is a default list of mounts configured in

# The mounts that will be performed when the package is deployed.
    "var": "shared:files/var"
    "app/etc": "shared:files/etc"
    "pub/media": "shared:files/media"
    "pub/static": "shared:files/static"

The format for adding your mount to this list is as follows:

"/public/sites/default/files": "shared:files/files"
  • shared means that the volume is shared between your applications inside an environment.
  • disk key defines the size available for that shared volume

Important: The subpath portion of the mount is the unique identifier of the files area. If changed, files at the old location will be permanently lost. Do not change this value once your site has data unless you really want to lose all existing data.

If you also want the mount web accessible, you must add it to the web block of locations.


dependencies enables you to specify dependencies that your application might need during the build process.

Magento Commerce supports dependencies on the following languages:

  • PHP
  • Ruby
  • NodeJS

Those dependencies are independent of the eventual dependencies of your application, and are available in the PATH, during the build process and in the runtime environment of your application.

You can specify those dependencies as follows:

   sass: "~3.4"
   grunt-cli: "~0.3"


Use the hooks section to run shell commands during the build, deploy, and post-deploy phases:

  • build—Execute commands before packaging your application. Services, such as the database or Redis, are not available at this time since the application has not been deployed yet. You must add custom commands before the default php ./vendor/bin/m2-ece-build command to make sure custom-generated content makes it to the deployment phase.
  • deploy—Execute commands after packaging and deploying your application. You can access other services at this point. Since the default php ./vendor/bin/m2-ece-deploy command copies the app/etc directory to the correct location, you must add custom commands after the deploy command to prevent custom commands from failing.
  • post_deploy—Execute commands after deploying your application and after the container begins accepting connections. The post_deploy hook clears the cache and preloads (warms) the cache. You can customize the list of pages using the WARM_UP_PAGES variable in the Post-deploy stage. It is available only for Pro projects that contain Staging and Production environments in the Project Web UI and for Starter projects. Although not required, this works in tandem with the SCD_ON_DEMAND environment variable.

Add CLI commands under the build or deploy sections:

    # We run build hooks before your application has been packaged.
    build: |
        php ./bin/magento <custom-command>
        php ./vendor/bin/m2-ece-build
    # We run deploy hook after your application has been deployed and started.
    deploy: |
        php ./vendor/bin/m2-ece-deploy
        php ./bin/magento <custom-command>
    # We run post deploy hook to clean and warm the cache.
    post_deploy: |
        php ./vendor/bin/ece-tools post-deploy

The commands run from the application (/app) directory. You can use the cd command to change the directory. The hooks fail if the final command in them fails. To cause them to fail on the first failed command, add set -e to the beginning of the hook.

To compile SASS files using grunt:

    sass: "3.4.7"
    grunt-cli: "~0.1.13"

  build: |
    cd public/profiles/project_name/themes/custom/theme_name
    npm install
    php ./vendor/bin/m2-ece-build

You must compile SASS files using grunt before static content deployment, which happens during the build. Place the grunt command before the build command.


crons describes processes that are triggered on a schedule. We recommend you run cron as the Magento file system owner. Do not run cron as root. We also recommend against running cron as the web server user.

crons support the following:

  • spec—The cron specification. For Starter environments and Pro Integration environments, the minimum interval is once per five minutes and once per one minute in Pro Staging and Production environments. You need to complete additional configurations for crons in those environments.
  • cmd—The command to execute.

A Cron job is well suited for the following tasks:

  • They need to happen on a fixed schedule, not continually.
  • The task itself is not especially long, as a running cron job will block a new deployment.
  • Or it is long, but can be easily divided into many small queued tasks.
  • A delay between when a task is registered and when it actually happens is acceptable.

A sample Magento cron job follows:

      spec: "*/5 * * * *"
      cmd: "php bin/magento cron:run"

For Magento Commerce (Cloud) 2.1.X, you can use only workers and cron jobs. For Magento Commerce (Cloud) 2.2.X, cron jobs launch consumers to process batches of messages, and do not require additional configuration.

For more information, see Set up cron jobs.


The following environment variables are included in These are required for Magento Commerce (Cloud) 2.2.X.

        CONFIG__STORES__DEFAULT__PAYPAL__NOTATION_CODE: 'Magento_Enterprise_Cloud'

Configure PHP options

You can choose which version of PHP to run in your file:

name: mymagento
type: php:7.0

Magento Commerce (Cloud) supports PHP 7.0 and 7.1. For Pro projects created before October 23, 2017, you must open a support ticket to use PHP 7.1 on your Pro Staging and Production environments.

PHP extensions

You can define additional PHP extensions to enable or disable:

        - xdebug
        - redis
        - ssh2
        - sqlite3

To view the current list of PHP extensions, SSH into your environment and enter the following command:

php -m

Magento requires the following PHP extensions that are enabled by default:

You must install the following extensions:

  • ImageMagick 6.3.7 (or later), ImageMagick can optionally be used with the gd extension
  • xsl
  • redis

In addition, we strongly recommend you enable opcache.

Optional PHP extensions available to install:

Important: PHP compiled with debug is not supported and the Probe may conflict with XDebug or XHProf. Disable those extensions when enabling the Probe. The Probe conflicts with some PHP extensions like Pinba or IonCube.

Customize php.ini settings

You can also create and push a php.ini file that is appended to the configuration maintained by Magento Commerce.

In your repository, the php.ini file should be added to the root of the application (the repository root).

Configuring PHP settings improperly can cause issues. We recommend only advanced administrators set these options.

For example, if you need to increase the PHP memory limit:

memory_limit = 756M

For a list of recommended PHP configuration settings, see Required PHP settings.

After pushing your file, you can check that the custom PHP configuration has been added to your environment by creating an SSH tunnel to your environment and entering:

cat /etc/php5/fpm/php.ini


You can define zero or multiple work instances for each application. A worker instance runas as its own container, independently of the web instance and has no Nginx instance running. The router service cannot direct public requests to it, either, so running your own web server on a worker (using Node.js or Go) is not useful.

A worker instance is the exact same code and compilation output as a web instance. The container image is built once and deployed multiple times if needed using the same build hook and dependencies. You can customize the container and allocated resources.

Use worker instances for background tasks including:

  • Tasks like queue workers or updating indexes.
  • Tasks to run periodic reporting that are too long for a cron job.
  • Tasks should happen “now”, but not block a web request.
  • Tasks are large enough that they risk blocking a deploy, even if they are subdivided.
  • The task in question is a continually running process rather than a stream of discrete units of work.

A basic, common worker configuration could look like this:

        size: S
            start: |
                php worker.php

This example defines a single worker named queue, with a “small” container, and runs the command php worker.php on startup. If worker.php exits, it is automatically restarted.

For Magento Commerce (Cloud) 2.1.X, you can use only workers and cron jobs. For Magento Commerce (Cloud) 2.2.X, cron jobs launch consumers to process batches of messages, and does not require additional configuration.