Build variables

The following build variables control actions in the build phase and can inherit and override values from the Global stage. Insert these variables in the build stage of the .magento.env.yaml file:


For more information about customizing the build and deploy process:

You can still use the build_options.ini file, but we recommend using the .magento.env.yaml file instead because it centralizes the management of build and deploy actions across all of your environments—including Pro Staging and Production—without requiring a support ticket.


  • DefaultNot set
  • Version—Magento 2.1.4 and later

When enabled, this option does not generate static content for the specified theme location(s). This is helpful when static content deployment occurs during the build phase. Use commas to separate multiple theme locations.

For example, the Luma theme is included with all Magento Commerce (Cloud) projects. You may not need to constantly generate static content for this theme, which adds time to your build. To exclude the theme, use the following:



  • Default6
  • Version—Magento 2.1.4 and later

Specifies which gzip compression level (0 to 9) to use when compressing static content; 0 disables compression.


  • Default:
    • 1—Starter environments and Pro Integration environments
    • 3—Pro Staging and Production environments
  • Version—Magento 2.1.4 and later

Sets the number of threads for static content deployment. Increasing the number of threads speeds up static content deployment; decreasing the number of threads slows it down.

To further decrease deployment time, we recommend using Configuration Management with the scd-dump command to move static deployment into the build phase.


  • Defaultdisabled
  • Version—Magento 2.1.2 and later

Before di_generation runs, the build process clears the existing build to rebuild before deploying. If you are simply redeploying without needing to fully rebuild, you can use this option to skip the deletion of the existing built files. The deploy phase will reuse the existing build files.


  • Defaultdisabled
  • Version— Magento 2.1.2 and later

If you need to quickly debug code, use this variable to skip compilation before a build. Compilation can take additional time to properly manage, compile, and then build your code. We only recommend this option for quick debug testing. You should always run di_compilation.


  • DefaultNot set
  • Version—Magento 2.1.4 and later

Skips static content deployment during the build phase.

If you are already deploying static content during the build phase with Configuration Management, you may want to turn it off for a quick build test.

We do not recommend using this option, because running static content deployment during the deployment phase can greatly increase deployment times and downtime for your live site.


  • Defaultdisabled
  • Version—Magento 2.1.4 and later

Enables or disables the Symfony debug verbosity level for your logs. Be aware, if you enable this verbosity, the logs will be deeply detailed.