Application variables
The following environment variables are available for overriding administrative credentials. See Manage build and deploy actions for more information about using these options in the .magento.env.yaml
Variable | Description |
Administrative user's first name. |
Administrative user's last name. |
Administrative user's e-mail address. This value is required for upgrading and patching Magento Commerce (Cloud) and is used to send password reset emails. See Set environment and project variable. |
Default—en_US Specifies the default locale used by the Magento Admin. |
Administrative user's password. Initially, we generate a random password and provide an email directing the Project Owner to reset the password. You should immediately change this password. |
Enter the relative URL by which to access the Magento Admin. For security reasons, we recommend you choose a value other than admin or backend or another term that is easy to guess. |
User name for a Magento administrative user. This user is an administrator and can create other users, including other administrative users. |