Reporting with the Functional Testing Framework

The Functional Testing Framework (FTF) provides a reporting tool, which logs failures or any other information for you during test run.

The following image demonstrates example of a general flow.

The event manager is a core component which:

  • dispatches events
  • gets a list of observers
  • notifies observers depending on read configuration and preset

Event manager

The event manager is defined in the \Magento\Mtf\System\Event\EventManager class that:

  • is an entry point to the event management system
  • fetches configuration and observers
  • handles events and passes them to observers
  • notifies selected observers according to an event tags array and configuration

phpunit.xml configuration

In <magento_2_root_dir>/dev/tests/functional/phpunit.xml, you can set a preset to use and a directory to store reports.

Set a preset

Set a preset, which is a list of dispatched events and an observers to handle them:

    <env name="events_preset" value="<preset_name>" />

Replace <preset_name> with a name of preset that you want to use.

Set a reporting directory

Set the value of <env name="log_directory"> to the directory in which to store your reports.

    <env name="log_directory" value="<your_directory_path>" />

The default path is <magento_2_root_dir>/dev/tests/functional/var/log.

events.xml configuration

An event preset specifies observers and dispatched events handled by them. <magento_2_root_dir>/dev/tests/functional/etc/events.xml contains a list of event presets.

Format of a preset:

<preset name="...">
    <observer class="Magento\Mtf\System\Observer\...">
        <tag name="..." />
        <tag name="..." />
    <observer class="other\observer\class\path\...">
        <tag name="..." />


<preset name="custom">
    <observer class="Magento\Mtf\System\Observer\SourceCode">
        <tag name="exception" />
        <tag name="failure" />
    <observer class="Magento\Mtf\System\Observer\Screenshot">
        <tag name="exception" />
        <tag name="failure" />
    <observer class="Magento\Mtf\System\Observer\CurlResponse">
        <tag name="curl_failed" />

Explanation of the example:

Each time the "exception" and "failure" events are dispatched, HTML code and screen capture of the current web page are logged (see Observers section for details). If the "curl_failed" event is dispatched, a corresponding cURL response is saved in an HTML file in the magento/<module>/<test_case>/<variation>/curl-response directory inside the report directory.

Initially, event presets are defined in the FTF in <magento_2_root_dir>/dev/tests/functional/vendor/magento/mtf/etc/events.xml (open the events.xml on GitHub repository). It is not recommended to edit this file. You can extend the initial list or add new presets in <magento_2_root_dir>/dev/tests/functional/etc/events.xml. All changes are merged automatically.


An observer is a PHP class which defines actions under Magento instance, browser, test run, and so on.

The list of ready-to-use observers is the following:

Observer full class name Description
\Magento\Mtf\System\Observer\ClientError Collects information about JavaScript errors on a web page under test. Uses an instance of the BrowserInterface to collect exceptions from a web page. Saves collected errors to <reporting_directory>/magento/client-error.log.
\Magento\Mtf\System\Observer\CurlResponse Saves response into HTML file in <reporting_directory>/magento/<module>/<test_case>/<variation>/curl-response directory.
\Magento\Mtf\System\Observer\Log Saves event message to the <reporting_directory>/magento/logger.log.
\Magento\Mtf\System\Observer\PageUrl Sets a page URL parameter to the instance of the EventState class.
\Magento\Mtf\System\Observer\Screenshot Captures a screenshot of a web page. Saves a PNG image to the <reporting_directory>/magento/<module>/<test_case>/<variation>/screenshots directory.
\Magento\Mtf\System\Observer\SourceCode Collects HTML code of a web page. Saves HTML code to the <reporting_directory>/magento/<module>/<test_case>/<variation>/page-source.


A tag contains name of an event. When you want to process any event by a particular observer, you need to:

  1. Dispatch the event.
  2. Add a tag with name of the event to required observer in corresponding event preset.

In terms of XML, it is represented as an element <tag /> in events.xml. <tag /> is a child element of an <observer> element. See the following example:

<observer class="Magento\Mtf\System\Observer\ClientError">
    <tag name="page_changed" />
    <tag name="exception" />
<observer class="Magento\Mtf\System\Observer\Log">
    <tag name="exception" />
    <tag name="failure" />
<observer class="Magento\Mtf\System\Observer\SourceCode">
    <tag name="exception" />
    <tag name="failure" />
<observer class="Magento\Mtf\System\Observer\Screenshot">
    <tag name="exception" />
    <tag name="failure" />
<observer class="Magento\Mtf\System\Observer\CurlResponse">
    <tag name="curl_failed" />

As you can see, a tag contains one required attribute name, where a name of event must be assigned.

Event dispatching

A method that is used to dispatch events is defined in \Magento\Mtf\System\Event\EventManagerInterface. The FTF uses its default implementation \Magento\Mtf\System\Event\EventManager::dispatchEvent().

$this->eventManager->dispatchEvent(['your_event_tag'], [$your_input_parameters]);

It has two arguments:

  • Array of event tags. Event tags specify the name of event that is dispatched. It is used as a tag in event preset.
  • Input parameters. The parameters used by observers as input parameters. For example, a cURL response.

Example of use:


if (!strpos($response, 'data-ui-id="messages-message-success"')) {
    $this->_eventManager->dispatchEvent(['curl_failed'], [$response]);
    throw new \Exception('Product creation by curl handler was not successful!');


The following examples explain how to use the reporting tool on practice.

Create a preset

The following example shows how to add a custom preset.

Task: Create a preset that logs only a web page HTML code and its screenshot when a test run is failed.


  • HTML code
  • screenshots

What is needed:

  • observers:
    • \Magento\Mtf\System\Observer\SourceCode
    • \Magento\Mtf\System\Observer\Screenshot
  • events:
    • failure


Step 1. Dispatch the failure event in the test case. This event already exists and is added to the code where the FTF processes the test failure.

Step 2. Open <magento_2_root_dir>/dev/tests/functional/etc/events.xml.

Step 3. Add a preset with required observers and tags.

<preset name="custom">
    <observer class="Magento\Mtf\System\Observer\SourceCode">
        <tag name="failure" />
    <observer class="Magento\Mtf\System\Observer\Screenshot">
        <tag name="failure" />

Edit a preset

The following example shows how to edit the base preset.

Task: Take a screenshot before click, after click, and when a value is set.


  • screenshots

What is needed:


The base preset is stored in the FTF <magento2>/dev/tests/functional/vendor/magento/mtf/etc/events.xml. To add or change any setting, edit <magento2>/dev/tests/functional/etc/events.xml, which is merged with the one in the FTF.


Step 1. Dispatch the events click_before, click_after and set_value in your code where applicable.

Step 2. In the base preset, add required observer and event tags.

<preset name="base">
    <observer class="Magento\Mtf\System\Observer\Screenshot">
        <tag name="click_before" />
        <tag name="click_after" />
        <tag name="set_value" />

Create and apply a custom observer

You can create your own observer using existing examples.

General implementation rules:

  • An observer must implement ObserverInterface.
  • Put the class in <magento_2_root_dir>/dev/tests/functional/lib/Magento/Mtf/System/Observer.

The following example shows how to use a custom observer in the example with the \Magento\Mtf\System\Observer\WebapiResponse observer.

Task: Create observer that logs WebAPI responses containing exceptions. Use the observer when a fixture is saved.


  • Log in JSON

What is needed:


Step 1. Create an observer class \Magento\Mtf\System\Observer\WebapiResponse that stores incoming events in JSON files.

 * Copyright © 2016 Magento. All rights reserved.
 * See COPYING.txt for license details.

namespace Magento\Mtf\System\Observer;

use Magento\Mtf\System\Event\Event;

 * Observer for obtaining response of web api handler.
class WebapiResponse extends AbstractObserver
     * File name of response source.
    const FILE_NAME = 'webapi_response.log';

     * Collect response source artifact to storage.
     * @param Event $event
     * @return void
    public function process(Event $event)
        $directory = $this->createDestinationDirectory('webapi-response');
            $directory . '/' . $event->getFileIdentifier() . '.json'

Step 2. Dispatch an event webapi_failed in the \Magento\Tax\Test\Handler\TaxRule\WebApi::persist() handler for failed responses.

public function persist(FixtureInterface $fixture = null)
    // Implementation of the method
    // ...    
    if (empty($response['id'])) {
        $this->eventManager->dispatchEvent(['webapi_failed'], [$response]);
        throw new \Exception('Tax rule creation by Web API handler was not successful!');     
    return ['id' => $response['id']];

Step 3. Add the observer and the tag to the base preset in events.xml.

In <magento_2_root_dir>/dev/tests/functional/etc/events.xml, add to a preset <preset name="base"> an observer <observer class="Magento\Mtf\System\Observer\WebapiResponse"> with a tag <tag name="webapi_failed" />:

<preset name="base">
    <observer class="Magento\Mtf\System\Observer\WebapiResponse">
        <tag name="webapi_failed" />
<preset />