Create and use parameterized selectors in the Magento Functional Testing Framework

This topic was updated due to the 1.0.0 MFTF release.

Setting up a selector in section

In a <section></section>, create a new <element/>.

<section name="SampleSection">
    <element name="" type="" selector=""/>

Add the attribute parameterized="true" to the <element/>.

<section name="SampleSection">
    <element name="" type="" selector="" parameterized="true"/>

In the selector="" attribute add your selector.

<section name="SampleSection">
    <element name="" type="" selector="#element" parameterized="true"/>

Selector with single variable

For the parameterized part of the selector, add {{var1}} to represent the first piece of data that you want to replace.

<section name="SampleSection">
    <element name="" type="" selector="#element .{{var1}}" parameterized="true"/>

Enter a descriptive name into the name="" attribute.

<section name="SampleSection">
    <element name="oneParamElement" type="" selector="#element .{{var1}}" parameterized="true"/>

In type, enter the type of UI element that the <element/> represents.

<section name="SampleSection">
    <element name="oneParamElement" type="text" selector="#element .{{var1}}" parameterized="true"/>

Selector with multiple variables

For the parameterized part of the selector, add {{var1}}, {{var2}}, ..., {{varN}} for each parameter that you need to pass in.

<section name="SampleSection">
    <element name="threeParamElement" type="text" selector="#element .{{var1}} .{{var2}}" parameterized="true"/>
<section name="SampleSection">
    <element name="threeParamElement" type="text" selector="#element .{{var1}} .{{var2}}-{{var3}}" parameterized="true"/>

{% include note.html type=”info” content=”Note that there is no need to use sequential variables like {{var1}}, {{var2}}. Parameterized replacement reads variables and maps them to the test call of the element sequentially from left to right, meaning you can use a selector like #element .{{categoryId}} .{{productId}}.” %}

Using a parameterized selector in a test

Create a new test.

<test name="SampleTest">


Add an action.

<test name="SampleTest">
    <click selector="" stepKey="click1"/>

In the selector="" attribute, enter "{{}}".

<test name="SampleTest">
    <click selector="{{}}" stepKey="click1"/>

Inside the {{}}, make a reference to the section that the element is assigned to.

<test name="SampleTest">
    <click selector="{{SampleSection}}" stepKey="click1"/>

Inside the {{}}, add name of a parameterized element separated by "."

<test name="SampleTest">
    <click selector="{{SampleSection.threeParamElement}}" stepKey="click1"/>

Inside the {{}}, add a set of "()" following the parameterized element.

<test name="SampleTest">
    <click selector="{{SampleSection.threeParamElement()}}" stepKey="click1"/>

Inside of the (), add the first parameter that you would like to pass to the selector.

<test name="SampleTest">
    <click selector="{{SampleSection.threeParamElement(_defaultCategory.is_active)}}" stepKey="click1"/>

Add the 2nd/3rd parameters that you’d like to pass to the selector separated by ,

<test name="SampleTest">
    <click selector="{{SampleSection.threeParamElement(_defaultCategory.is_active,'StringLiteral',$$)}}" stepKey="click1"/>

Any data can be used in parameterized elements as well as entered in test actions like so:

  • _defaultCategory.is_active is a reference to <data key="is_active"> in <entity name="_defaultCategory" ... ></entity> in the corresponding …/Data/*.xml
  • 'StringLiteral' is a literal
  • $$ is a reference to persisted data created in the SampleTest1 within action with stepKey="createDataKey"
  • {$variable} is a reference to data returned by a test action, like <grabValueFrom>.