Add a new checkout step
What’s in this topic
The default Magento Checkout consists of two steps:
- Shipping Information
- Review and Payments Information
You can add a custom checkout step, it should be implemented as a UI component. For the sake of compatibility, upgradability and easy maintenance, do not edit the default Magento code, add your customizations in a separate module.
This topic describes how to create the frontend part of the component, implementing a checkout step, and how to add it to the checkout flow.
Create the view part of the checkout step component
To create the view part of the new checkout step:
- Add a module directory (not covered in this topic). See Build your module for details). All custom files must be stored there. For your checkout customization to be applied correctly, your custom module should depend on the
module. Do not useUi
for your custom module name, because%Vendor%_Ui
notation, required when specifying paths, might cause issues. - Create the
file implementing the view model. - Create an
template for the component.
Each step is described in details in the following paragraphs.
Add the JavaScript file implementing the new step
A new checkout step must be implemented as UI component. That is, its JavaScript implementation must be a JavaScript module.
The file must be stored under the <your_module_dir>/view/frontend/web/js/view
notation stands for the path to your module directory from the root directory. Usually it will be one of the following: app/code/<YourVendor>/<YourModule>
or vendor/<yourvendor>/module-<module>-<name>
. For more details see Conventional notations for paths to modules and themes
A sample my-step-view.js
with comments follows:
function (
) {
'use strict';
* mystep - is the name of the component's .html template,
* <Vendor>_<Module> - is the name of the your module directory.
return Component.extend({
defaults: {
template: '<Vendor>_<Module>/mystep'
//add here your logic to display step,
isVisible: ko.observable(true),
* @returns {*}
initialize: function () {
// register your step
//step code will be used as step content id in the component template
//step alias
//step title value
'Step Title',
//observable property with logic when display step or hide step
_.bind(this.navigate, this),
* sort order value
* 'sort order value' < 10: step displays before shipping step;
* 10 < 'sort order value' < 20 : step displays between shipping and payment step
* 'sort order value' > 20 : step displays after payment step
return this;
* The navigate() method is responsible for navigation between checkout step
* during checkout. You can add custom logic, for example some conditions
* for switching to your custom step
navigate: function () {
* @returns void
navigateToNextStep: function () {;
Add the .html template
In the module directory, add the .html
template for the component. It must be located under the <your_module_dir>/view/frontend/web/template
A sample mystep.html
<!--The 'step_code' value from the .js file should be used-->
<li id="step_code" data-bind="fadeVisible: isVisible">
<div class="step-title" data-bind="i18n: 'Step Title'" data-role="title"></div>
<div id="checkout-step-title"
<form data-bind="submit: navigateToNextStep" novalidate="novalidate">
<div class="actions-toolbar">
<div class="primary">
<button data-role="opc-continue" type="submit" class="button action continue primary">
<span><!-- ko i18n: 'Next'--><!-- /ko --></span>
Add your step to the Checkout page layout
For the new step to be displayed on the page, you need to declare it in the Checkout page layout, which is defined in checkout_index_index.xml
So you need to add an extending checkout_index_index.xml
layout file in the following location: <your_module_dir>/view/frontend/layout/checkout_index_index.xml
A sample checkout_index_index.xml
<page xmlns:xsi="" layout="1column" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:View/Layout/etc/page_configuration.xsd">
<referenceBlock name="checkout.root">
<argument name="jsLayout" xsi:type="array">
<item name="components" xsi:type="array">
<item name="checkout" xsi:type="array">
<item name="children" xsi:type="array">
<item name="steps" xsi:type="array">
<item name="children" xsi:type="array">
<!-- The new step you add -->
<item name="my-new-step" xsi:type="array">
<item name="component" xsi:type="string">%Vendor%_%Module%/js/view/my-step-view</item>
<!--To display step content before shipping step "sortOrder" value should be < 1-->
<!--To display step content between shipping step and payment step 1 < "sortOrder" < 2 -->
<!--To display step content after payment step "sortOrder" > 2 -->
<item name="sortOrder" xsi:type="string">2</item>
<item name="children" xsi:type="array">
<!--add here child component declaration for your step-->
Create mixins for payment and shipping steps (optional)
If your new step is the first step, you have to create mixins for the payment and shipping steps. Otherwise two steps will be activated on loading of the checkout.
Create a mixin as follows:
- Create a
file with these contents;
var config = {
'config': {
'mixins': {
'Magento_Checkout/js/view/shipping': {
'Vendor_Module/js/view/shipping-payment-mixin': true
'Magento_Checkout/js/view/payment': {
'Vendor_Module/js/view/shipping-payment-mixin': true
- Create the mixin. We’ll use the same mixin for both payment and shipping:
], function (ko) {
'use strict';
var mixin = {
initialize: function () {
this.visible = ko.observable(false); // set visible to be initially false to have your step show first
return this;
return function (target) {
return target.extend(mixin);
For your changes to be applied, you might need to clean layout cache and static view file cache. For more info on mixins go to JS Mixins.