What's New in each Release
What's New in v1.9
Bundler 1.9 comes with a new dependency resolver, called Molinillo, among other changes.
In this section, you’ll find the major features introduced in this release. All the changes are documented in the Bundler 1.9 changelog. Full 1.9 changelog
Using Molinillo for Dependency Resolution
Bundler's dependency resolver is now powered by Molinillo, the CocoaPods dependency resolution algorithm sponsored by Stripe that is fully documented, tested, and built for use across different dependency managers built in Ruby. Molinillo
Improved gemspec detection
Directories are now searched resursively for gemspecs, with specs found closer to the root being preferred.
Other changes
- improved vendoring of
that will make conflicts less common - fixed gemspecs generated by
bundle gem
from a pre-release bundler version bundle which
will no longer be confused by directories