How to use Bundler in a single-file Ruby script
To use Bundler in a single-file script, add require 'bundler/inline'
at the top of your Ruby file. Then, use the gemfile
method to declare any gem sources and gems that you need. Here’s an example:
require 'bundler/inline'
gemfile do
source 'https://rubygems.org'
gem 'json', require: false
gem 'nap', require: 'rest'
gem 'cocoapods', '~> 0.34.1'
puts 'Gems installed and loaded!'
puts "The nap gem is at version #{Nap::VERSION}"
To run this script, including installing any missing gems, save the script into a file (for example, bundler_inline_example.rb
) and then run the file with the command ruby bundler_inline_example.rb
Running the script will automatically install any missing gems, require the gems you listed, and then run your code.