Deploying bundled applications
and Gemfile.lock
to source control, but ignore the
folder, which is specific to each machine.
$ echo ".bundle" >> .gitignore
$ git add Gemfile Gemfile.lock .gitignore
$ git commit -m "Add Bundler support"
Manual deployment
In your deploy script, after updating to the latest code, install your bundle to thevendor/bundle
directory, ensuring all your dependencies are met.
$ bundle install --deployment
Start your application servers as usual, and your application will use your bundled environment with the exact same gems you use in development.
If you have run bundle package
, the cached
gems will be used automatically.
Automatic deployment with Capistrano
require 'bundler/capistrano'
cap deploy
will now automatically run
bundle install
on the remote server with deployment-friendly
options. A list of options that can be changed is available in the help
for the cap task. To see it, run cap -e bundle:install
Automatic deployment with Vlad
There is a default Vlad task available. To make it available, add this line to the Vladdeploy.rb
require 'bundler/vlad'
task will be
available for use. Make sure it is run as part of your deploy. For example:
task "vlad:deploy" => %w[
vlad:update vlad:bundle:install vlad:start_app vlad:cleanup
After deploying
Make sure to usebundle exec
to run any executables
from gems in the bundle
$ bundle exec rake db:setup
option on the
install command to generate executable binaries that can be used instead of
bundle exec
When you deploy to Heroku, Bundler will be run automatically as long as a Gemfile is present. If you check in your Gemfile.lock, Heroku will run`bundle install --deployment`
. If you want to exclude certain groups using the --without
option, you need to use `heroku config`
$ heroku config:set BUNDLE_WITHOUT="test development" --app app_name
Deploying Your Application
bundle install
, bundler will (by default), install your gems
to your system repository of gems. This means that they will show up in gem
. Additionally, if you are developing a number of applications, you will not
need to download and install gems in common for each application. This is nice for
development, but somewhat problematic for deployment.
In a deployment scenario, the Unix user you deploy with may not have access to install
gems to a system location. Even if the user does (or you use sudo
), the
user that boots the application may not have access to them. For instance, Passenger
runs its Ruby subprocesses with the user nobody
, a somewhat restricted
user. The tradeoffs in a deployment environment lean more heavily in favor of isolation
(even at the cost of a somewhat slower deploy-time bundle install
when some
third-party dependencies have changed).
As a result, bundler comes with a --deployment
flag that encapsulates the
best practices for using bundler in a deployment environment. These practices are based
on significant feedback we have received during the development of bundler, as well as a
number of bug reports that mostly reflected a misunderstanding of how to best configure
bundler for deployment. The --deployment
flags adds the following defaults:
Instead of installing gems to the system location, bundler will install gems to
inside your application. Bundler will transparently remember this location when you invoke it inside your application (withBundler.setup
). - Bundler will not use gems already installed to your system, even if they exist.
If you have run
bundle pack
, checked in thevendor/cache
directory, and do not have any git gems, Bundler will not contact the internet while installing your bundle. -
Bundler will require a
snapshot, and fail if you did not provide one. -
Bundler will not transparently update your
if it is out of date with yourGemfile
If you use Capistrano, you should symlink vendor/bundle
so that bundler will share your installed gems between
deployments (making things zippy if you didn't make any changes), but still give you the
benefits of isolation from other applications.
By defaulting the bundle directory to vendor/bundle
, and installing your
bundle as part of your deployment process, you can be sure that the same Unix user that
checked out your application also installed the third-party code your application needs.
This means that if Passenger (or Unicorn) can see your application, it can also see its
The --deployment
flag requires an up-to-date Gemfile.lock
ensure that the testing you have done (in development and staging) actually reflects the
code you put into production. You can run bundle check
before deploying
your application to make sure that your Gemfile.lock
is up-to-date. Note
that it will always be up-to-date if you have run bundle install
successfully booted your application (or run your tests) since the last time you changed
your Gemfile