Odoo能够每4小时直接获得所有银行对账单并自动导入Odoo, 与你的银行同步。在做这步之前, 你应该检查你的银行是否对予支持。你可以从“Odoo会计中找到相关功能<https ://www.odoo.com/page/accounting-features> [UNKNOWN NODE problematic]__

在上面的页面中寻找你银行的名字。如果你的银行出现在其中, 这意味着它受Odoo支持。完全支持的国家(即超过95%的银行)包括 :美国、加拿大、新西兰、奥地利。30多个国家部分支持, 包括: 哥伦比亚、印度、法国、西班牙等。
为了与银行连接, Odoo 使用两个 web-services :
- Plaid:美国的主要银行
- Yodlee : 对于其他银行
Odoo 在线用户
如果我们支持你们国家的银行, 银行特性应该已经被安装集成。如果没有安装, 您可以手动安装模块 account_yodlee 。
Odoo 企业用户
如果你计划使用Odoo企业版中的银行接口, 你不需要做什么特别的, 只是确保数据库已在Odoo企业合同注册。
你可能需要检查一下, 没有防火墙/代理屏蔽以下地址
- https ://onlinesync.odoo.com/
- https ://api.plaid.com/
一旦Plaid或Yodlee接口安装后, 您可以将Odoo连接到你的银行。这样做, 在银行会计仪表板上点击 More 。在菜单中, 单击设置配, 置该银行账户。

在银行界面, 从银行帐户选项卡, 设置银行选项为 Bank Synchronization .。

一旦完成, 回到你的会计仪表板。在你的银行卡上, 您应该能看到一个 Online Synchronization 的按钮。点击这个按钮, 填写你的银行凭证。
The synchronization is not working in real time, is it normal?
Yodlee tries to get the data from a bank account once a day. However, this doesn’t always happen at the same time. And sometimes the process can fail. In that case, Yodlee retries one hour or two later. This is why in Odoo there is a cron that is running every 4 hours to fetch the information from Yodlee.
You can however force this synchronization by clicking on the button “Synchronize now” from the accounting dashboard.
Moreover, a transaction can be visible in your bank account but not being fetched by Yodlee. Indeed, the transaction in your bank account can have the status “pending” and not the status “posted”. In that case, Yodlee won’t import it, you will have to wait that the status changes.
What is important to remember is that Yodlee is not a service fetching transactions in real time. This is a service to facilitate the import of the bank statement in the database.
Is the Yodlee feature included in my contract?
- Enterprise Version: Yes, if you have a valid enterprise contract linked to your database.
- Community Version: No, this feature is not included in the Community Version.
- Online Version: Yes, even if you benefit from the One App Free contract.
Some banks have a status “Beta”, what does it mean?
This means that Yodlee is only currently working on developing the synchronization with this bank. The synchronization could already work or it may need a bit more time to have a 100% working synchronization. Unfortunately, there is not much to do about except being patient.
All my past transactions are not in Odoo, why?
Yodlee only allows to fetch up transactions to 3 months in the past.