Customer endpoint

The Customer endpoint returns information about a customer account.

Currently, GraphQL relies on session authentication. To successfully return information about a customer, you must be logged in as a customer in the same browser you are using to make GraphQL calls. The GraphQL call returns information about this customer.

Query structure

customer: Customer

Supported attributes

Attribute Data Type Description
created_at String Timestamp indicating when the account was created
group_id Int The group assigned to the user. Default values are 0 (Not logged in), 1 (General), 2 (Wholesale), and 3 (Retailer)
prefix String An honorific, such as Dr., Mr., or Mrs.
firstname String The customer’s first name
middlename String The customer’s middle name
lastname String The customer’s family name
suffix String A value such as Sr., Jr., or III
email String The customer’s email address. Required
default_billing String The ID assigned to the billing address
default_shipping String The ID assigned to the shipping address
dob String The customer’s date of birth
taxvat String The customer’s Tax/VAT number (for corporate customers)
id Int The ID assigned to the customer
addresses [CustomerAddresses] An array containing the customer’s shipping and billing addresses
is_subscribed Boolean Indicates whether the customer is subscribed to the company’s newsletter

CustomerAddress object

The values assigned to attributes such as firstname and lastname in this object may be different from those defined in the Customer object.

Attribute Data Type Description
id Int The ID assigned to the address object
customer_id Int The customer ID
region CustomerAddressesRegion An object containing the region name, region code, and region ID
region_id Int A number that uniquely identifies the state, province, or other area
country_id String The customer’s country
street [String] An array of strings that define the street number and name
company String The customer’s company
telephone String The telephone number
fax String The fax number
postcode String The customer’s ZIP or postal code
city String The city or town
firstname String The first name of the person associated with the shipping/billing address
lastname String The family name of the person associated with the shipping/billing address
middlename String The middle name of the person associated with the shipping/billing address
prefix String An honorific, such as Dr., Mr., or Mrs.
suffix String A value such as Sr., Jr., or III
vat_id String The customer’s Tax/VAT number (for corporate customers)
default_shipping Boolean Indicates whether the address is the default shipping address
default_billing Boolean Indicates whether the address is the default billing address
reward_update_notification Int The number of the email template to use for notifications about reward updates. This attribute is defined in the Reward module.
reward_warning_notification Int The number of the email template to use for notifications about rewards points expiring. This attribute is defined in the Reward module.

Example usage

The following call returns information about the logged-in customer.




  "data": {
    "customer": {
      "firstname": "John",
      "lastname": "Doe",
      "suffix": null,
      "email": "",
      "id": 3,
      "addresses": [
          "firstname": "John",
          "lastname": "Doe",
          "street": [
            "123 Elm Street"
          "city": "Anytown",
          "region_id": 57,
          "postcode": "78758",
          "country_id": "US",
          "telephone": "512 555-1212"