Cloud variables

Environment variables that are specific to Magento Commerce (Cloud) are prefixed with MAGENTO_CLOUD_*.

  • MAGENTO_CLOUD_APP_DIR: The absolute path to the application directory.
  • MAGENTO_CLOUD_APPLICATION: A base64-encoded JSON object that describes the application. It maps the content of the that you have in Git and it has a few subkeys.
  • MAGENTO_CLOUD_APPLICATION_NAME: The name of the application, as configured in the file.
  • MAGENTO_CLOUD_DOCUMENT_ROOT: The absolute path to the web document root, if applicable.
  • MAGENTO_CLOUD_ENVIRONMENT: The name of the environment (that is, the name of the branch in Git).
  • MAGENTO_CLOUD_PROJECT: The ID of the project.
  • MAGENTO_CLOUD_RELATIONSHIPS: A base64-encoded JSON object whose keys are the relationship name and the values are arrays of relationship endpoint definitions. Each relationship endpoint definition is a decomposed form of a URL. It has a scheme, a host, a port, and optionally a username, password, path and some additional information in query.
  • MAGENTO_CLOUD_ROUTES: Describe the routes that you defined in the environment. It maps the content of the .magento/routes.yaml file.
  • MAGENTO_CLOUD_TREE_ID: The ID of the tree the application was built from. It’s essentially the SHA of the tree in Git.
  • MAGENTO_CLOUD_VARIABLES: A base64-encoded JSON object which keys are variables names and values are variable values (a string).

If you’re attempting to override Magento configuration settings using the Project Web Interface, you must prepend the variable name with env:. For example: Environment variable example

Since values can change over time, you should inspect the variable at runtime and use it to configure your application.

For example, we use the MAGENTO_CLOUD_RELATIONSHIPS variable to retrieve environment-related relationships as follows:

     * Get relationships information from MagentoCloud environment variable.
     * @return mixed
    protected function getRelationships()
        return json_decode(base64_decode($_ENV["MAGENTO_CLOUD_RELATIONSHIPS"]), true);