Rails 3 comes with baked in support with bundler.
Using Bundler with Rails 3
Install Rails as you normally would. Use sudo
if you would normally use sudo to install gems.
$ gem install rails
We recommend using rvm for dependable Ruby
installations, especially if you are switching
between different versions of Ruby
Generate a Rails app as usual
$ rails new myapp
$ cd myapp
Run the server. Bundler is transparently managing
your dependencies!
$ rails server
Add new dependencies to your Gemfile as you
need them.
gem 'nokogiri'
gem 'geokit'
If you want a dependency to be loaded only in
a certain Rails environment, place it in a group
named after that Rails environment
group :test do
gem 'rspec'
gem 'faker'
After adding a dependency, if it is not yet
installed, install it
$ bundle install
This will update all dependencies in your
Gemfile to the latest versions that do not
conflict with other dependencies